Monthly Archives: January 2009

DTE Youth Council

Hi it’s La’Saen.

and I have been given a new task, which is to create a youth council for DTE. A youth council would give young people in Red Hook (and other places in Brooklyn where DTE programs) a chance to inform us what we can do to help them in any way- offering new programming, services, or even providing space for their own projects.

I’m hoping that this youth council will help me develop my skills in planning events, and that it will help DTE respond better to the needs of the young people in its community.

Red Hook High Reunion

This Saturday, January 31st.
Screening, food, and more, at Rocky Sullivan’s.

Chat with the cast and crew (and if you are cast and crew make sure you’re there!) about this unique TV pilot and the pre-professional training program that created it.


Alliance for the Arts continues their work advocating for the arts in New York. Head over to their website to read about their plans for “Arts Day” in Albany, coming up February 3rd.

And don’t miss their profile of Why arts matter to NYC

CB6 Meeting Tonight

A bunch of different people are on top of tonight’s Community Board 6 meeting.

Get some details about the air quality initiative up for discussion.

Need a tutor?

Free Tutoring at the Red Hook Initiative.

The Day After

Scott Turner of Rocky Sullivan’s post-inaugural address on Only The Blog Knows Brooklyn reminded us of some things from an old New York Magazine article about the “de-gentrification” of Red Hook.

According to a pre-inauguration piece in the Chicago Tribune:

The 48-mower contingent will include one topped with a 5-foot replica of the Washington Monument, another with a well-endowed mannequin wearing a T-shirt declaring “D.C. or bust,” and another called “Obama the self-starter.” It features two hands emerging from the mower and grabbing the starter rope.

Read the blog to see why that bizarre quote might make you feel a little brighter about the future.

Another new face @ DTE

Head over to the website to (electronically) meet our newest intern, Emily.

While you’re there check out the new pages for BIHS and (a long overdue update for) Red Hook High, and get a first peak at this year’s Red Hook Waterfront Arts Festival.

On The Waterfront on the waterfront

No typo- just a chance to see a wonderful play in a truly unique setting.

The Brooklyn Paper reports today that Budd Schulberg’s play, “On The Waterfront,” will be produced aboard Red Hook’s own Waterfront Museum & Showboat Barge.

The play is part of a series of productions of works by Brooklyn-born writers presented in interesting Brooklyn locations. Check out Brave New World Rep for details.

Tony says Good bye

DTE had to say goodbye last week to our wonderful intern Tony. Though we’ll continue to work with him at the Brooklyn International High School and at our major events like the Red Hook Waterfront Arts Festival, this will be Tony’s final entry to the DTE blog. We wish Tony the best of luck through high school and beyond, and give him big thanks for all his hard work around the office and at events ranging from Angels and Accordions to Added Value’s Harvest Festival.

As some of you know I was an intern at DTEtc. I was there for three months. I did many things with them. I got to watch a show called Angels and Accordions and learn more about it. What is the purpose of the show? To bring people to Green-Wood Cemetery to appreciate the history and the beauty.

I like working with Martha and everyone else because it’s not boring here. I work like I’m in a real job. I have my own computer and always have my task to complete. I challenge myself. When I’m done with my task I ask them, “Do you have some more work?” I like to work, not just sit here. This was my first job experience. I think I did great-I had no trouble just being me. One thing I liked about my internship was writing for the blog. I write a lot so that’s good for me. I will take the English Regents Test at the end of January and my writing is getting better and better.

They showed me how to run your own business and how you get money to have it keep going. I also learned some computer skills that they taught me. So I just want to drop by to say goodbye. I am going to work with DTE in the Red Hook Festival and any other upcoming events if they would like me to. Who doesn’t want a great worker like me? I am also going to Drama Club next semester because it’s a good thing for us. We are international students, so it’s a good opportunity for us to have to work with new people. I can’t miss that next semester- I have to be there.

Safe Harbor Pics

Here are just a few of the wonderful pictures taken by Edwin Anglero at our Safe Harbor Benefit in December. If you’d like to see more send an email to or stay tuned to the blog.

DTE Community & Culture Youth Award winner Solomon Goodwin and Martha.

Solo artist Tiye Giraud performs

DTE board members Trac Vu and Pat McGillicuddy announce the winners of the Safe Harbor Raffle.

Community & Culture Award winner Ray Hall poses with Martha.